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Your business property’s valuation

[English] - [Cymraeg]

It is important that you ensure the details we hold about your business property are accurate and up to date.  

If you have not already, we recommend you read our introduction to business rates and how we value for business rates before you read on.  

More about your valuation  

Through a business rates valuation account on GOV.UK, you can:  

  • challenge your property’s rateable value 
  • compare your property’s rateable value with similar properties in the area 
  • check how your valuation was calculated. 

If you don’t already have a business rates valuation account, you need to register for one. You will need a Government Gateway User ID. You will have this if you use secure online government services like the HMRC portal. 

The next step is to claim your property. We have useful resources to help you do this, including a YouTube video 

You should allow about 15 days for your property to be linked to your account. 

Checking your property’s details 

Once you have your property linked to your business rates valuation account, you can: 

  • check the factual details we hold about your property  
  • let us know if anything is incorrect.

You might need to update the details we have about your property. These changes can include things like floor area and parking. 

This process is called a Check. It involves agreeing the correct factual details about your property with us.  

You can do a Check and manage your business rates yourself. You do not need to use an agent.   

Once you have submitted a Check, we have 12 months to process it – but we do this within 3 months for most Checks.  

If you make a Check there are some important things to keep in mind so you give us the correct information. Read our tips on how to update your property details correctly 

We randomly review where a Check has been made so we know information provided to us is accurate.   

What’s the difference between a Check and a Challenge? 

A Check is the first stage in our Check, Challenge, Appeal process of managing business rates.  

You must complete a Check – and agree the facts of the property with us – before you can Challenge your rateable value if you think it is wrong. 

If you are thinking of Challenging your valuation, sit down and read our guidance on Check and Challenge before you get started.  

If you decide to Challenge a valuation, you must do this within 4 months of the Check decision. In some situations, you might have longer. Our aim is to clear 90% of Challenges within 12 months. 

You can Appeal to the independent Valuation Tribunal if you do not agree with our decision on your Challenge. You need to do this within 4 months of our decision. Once a case goes to this stage it is managed by the tribunal. 

Do I need to use an agent? 

You can manage your business rates yourself. You do not have to use an agent or ask someone to help you. 

If you do want to use one, read about appointing an agent for business rates. We also have a checklist to help you avoid rogue agents 

How can I find out more? 

Set up a business rates valuation account to find out more about how your rateable value has been calculated. 

If you want to find out more about what we’ve covered here, watch our webinar on understanding business rates on our YouTube channel 

We welcome your comments about this blog below but cannot discuss individual cases. Please do not share any personal information. We will not be able to publish any comments that include personal details. Please direct all queries about individual cases to our contact form.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Dyma ran tri o’n cyfres ynghylch deall eich ardrethi busnes. Yma, byddwn yn edrych ar beth i’w wneud os ydych o’r farn bod eich gwerth ardrethol yn anghywir.

Mae’n bwysig i chi sicrhau bod y manylion a ddelir gennym am eich eiddo yn gywir ac yn gyfredol.

Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn darllen ein cyflwyniad i ardrethi busnes a sut rydym yn prisio ar gyfer ardrethi busnes cyn i chi ddarllen ymlaen, os nad ydych eisoes wedi gwneud hyn.

Rhagor o wybodaeth am eich prisiad

Drwy gyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes ar GOV.UK, gallwch wneud y canlynol:

  • gwirio’r wybodaeth ffeithiol a ddelir gennym am eich eiddo
  • rhoi gwybod am newidiadau a allai effeithio ar werth ardrethol eich eiddo
  • herio gwerth ardrethol eich eiddo
  • cymharu gwerth ardrethol eich eiddo ag eiddo tebyg yn eich ardal
  • gwirio sut y cyfrifwyd eich prisiad.

Mae angen i chi gofrestru ar gyfer cyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes os nad oes un gennych yn barod. Bydd angen Dynodydd Defnyddiwr (ID) ar gyfer Porth y Llywodraeth arnoch. Bydd un gennych os ydych yn defnyddio gwasanaethau ar-lein diogel y llywodraeth, megis porth CThEF.

Y cam nesaf yw hawlio’ch eiddo. Mae adnoddau defnyddiol ar gael i’ch helpu, gan gynnwys fideo YouTube.

Dylech ganiatáu tua 15 diwrnod i’ch eiddo gael ei gysylltu â’ch cyfrif.

Gwirio manylion eich eiddo

Unwaith i chi gysylltu’ch eiddo â’ch cyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes, gallwch wneud y canlynol:

  • gwirio’r wybodaeth ffeithiol a ddelir gennym am eich eiddo
  • rhoi gwybod i ni os oes unrhyw beth yn anghywir.

Mae’n bosibl y bydd angen i chi ddiweddaru’r manylion sydd gennym am eich eiddo. Gall hyn gynnwys pethau fel newidiadau o ran arwynebedd llawr a pharcio.

‘Gwiriad’ yw’r enw ar y broses hon, ac mae’n ymwneud â chytuno â ni o ran y ffeithiau cywir mewn perthynas â’r eiddo.

Gallwch wneud Gwiriad a rheoli’ch ardrethi busnes eich hun. Nid oes angen i chi ddefnyddio asiant.

Unwaith i chi gyflwyno Gwiriad, mae gennym 12 mis i’w brosesu – fel arfer, bydd Gwiriad yn cael ei brosesu cyn pen 3 mis.

Os byddwch yn gwneud Gwiriad, bydd angen i chi ystyried ambell i beth pwysig fel y gallwch roi’r wybodaeth gywir i ni. Darllenwch ein hawgrymiadau ar sut i ddiweddaru manylion eich eiddo’n gywir.

Rydym yn cynnal adolygiadau ar hap lle caiff Gwiriad ei wneud.

Beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng Gwiriad a Her?

Gwiriad yw’r cam cyntaf yn ein proses o reoli ardrethi busnes, sef Gwirio, Herio, Apelio.

Mae’n rhaid i chi gwblhau Gwiriad – a chytuno â ni o ran y ffeithiau mewn perthynas â’r eiddo – cyn i chi wneud Her yn erbyn eich gwerth ardrethol, os ydych o’r farn ei fod yn anghywir.

Dylech ddarllen ein harweiniad ar y broses Gwirio a Herio cyn i chi wneud Her yn erbyn eich prisiad.

Os ydych am Herio’ch prisiad, mae’n rhaid i chi wneud hynny cyn pen 4 mis i’r penderfyniad am yr achos Gwirio. Ein bwriad yw clirio 90% o Herion cyn pen 12 mis.

Os nad ydych yn cytuno â’n penderfyniad ar eich Her, gallwch Apelio i Dribiwnlys Prisio annibynnol. Mae’n rhaid i chi wneud hyn cyn pen 4 mis i’n penderfyniad. Unwaith i achos gyrraedd y cam hwn, caiff ei reoli gan y tribiwnlys.

Oes angen i mi ddefnyddio asiant?

Gallwch reoli’ch ardrethi busnes eich hun. Does dim rhaid i chi ddefnyddio asiant na gofyn i rywun eich helpu.

Fodd bynnag, os hoffech ddefnyddio asiant, darllenwch am benodi asiant ar gyfer ardrethi busnes. Mae hefyd gennym restr wirio i’ch helpu i osgoi asiantau twyllodrus.

Sut allaf ddod o hyd i ragor o wybodaeth?

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut mae’ch gwerth ardrethol yn cael ei gyfrifo, crëwch gyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes.

Os hoffech ddysgu rhagor am yr hyn sydd wedi cael ei drafod yma, mae gweminarau ynghylch deall ardrethi busnes ar gael ar ein sianel YouTube.

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