[English] - [Cymraeg]
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values non-domestic properties, like shops and pubs, for business rates.
You can manage your business rates yourself by creating a business rates valuation account on GOV.UK.
If you want an agent to manage your business rates, use our checklist below to choose one. Don’t let an agent choose you.
In this blog, we explain:
- what a rating agent is
- the standards they should follow
- how to avoid scams
- what to look for when choosing an agent
What is a rating agent?
Rating agents can deal with the VOA and your business rates on your behalf.
They can discuss your property valuation with us, tell us if you think your property’s rateable value is incorrect and challenge it if necessary.
They can also tell us if your property details need changing or about the rent you pay.
Rating agents are often members of a professional body.
Our standards for agents
The VOA agent standards set out clear expectations of agents regarding their behaviour and professional practice, and the service they provide to their customers.
In return, we will deal with agents courteously and professionally, according to our Customer Charter.
Avoiding scams and rogue agents
The vast majority of rating agents are reputable and provide a good service. But a small minority act in bad faith.
These rogue agents usually promise big reductions in business rates – but they do this by submitting inaccurate information. This could result in penalties or increased rates bills for you.
They may also charge substantial fees for providing poor quality submissions using our online Check and Challenge service, which is free to use.
Your business rates are your responsibility. If your agent provides inaccurate information, you might have to pay a penalty or pay any additional rates you owe.
Checklist for choosing an agent
- Remember – you don’t have to use an agent to manage your business rates.
- Make sure you choose your own agent – don’t let an agent choose you. Do your own research and explore different options before committing to an agent.
- Check an agent’s background before you sign a contract. A firm or individual may refer to themselves as a ‘surveyor’, ‘rating advisor’, ‘rating consultant’ or similar. This does not mean they are a member of a professional body.
- Appointing an agent who is a member of a professional body may provide extra reassurance as they will be subject to that body’s rules and regulations. Institute of Revenues, Rating, Valuation (IRRV), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and Rating Surveyors' Association (RSA) have published joint standards that their members should follow.
- Before signing a contract, always check the length and terms. Rogue agents have been known to tie business owners into costly, long-term agreements.
- Make sure you read the small print and fully understand the services you are paying for. Reputable agents should not pressure you into signing a contract or demand large sums of money up front.
- Once you’ve appointed an agent, keep up to date with what they are doing. Familiarise yourself with our Check service and use your business rates valuation account to view correspondence between the VOA and your agent. Do not share your business rates valuation account login details with anyone.
- If your rating agent changes, for example the company they work for merges with another, it is your responsibility to update this on your account.
Removing an agent
Our advice should help you select a reputable agent. If you’ve already had a bad experience with an agent, there are steps you can take.
If the agent was a member of a professional body – like the IRRV, RICS or RSA – you should contact that body to make a complaint.
If the agent was not a member of a professional body, you can contact the trading standards team at your local council or your local Citizens Advice.
If you believe an agent has knowingly, carelessly or recklessly provided us with false information through your business rates valuation account, you can remove an agent completely. This means they can no longer do anything for you. You can choose to manage your own business rates, or you can appoint a different agent. You can appoint different agents for different properties.
Remember to check your contract before removing an agent. You may still have to pay their fees and for any information they have already provided to the VOA.
More information on appointing an agent is available on GOV.UK.
[English] - [Cymraeg]
Mae Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio (VOA) yn prisio eiddo annomestig, fel siopau a thafarndai, ar gyfer ardrethi busnes.
Gallwch reoli eich ardrethi busnes eich hun drwy greu cyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes ar GOV.UK.
Os ydych am i asiant reoli eich ardrethi busnes, defnyddiwch ein rhestr wirio isod i ddewis un. Peidiwch â gadael i asiant eich dewis chi.
Yn y blog hwn, rydym yn esbonio:
- beth yw asiant ardrethu
- y safonau y dylent eu dilyn
- sut i osgoi sgamiau
- beth i edrych amdano wrth ddewis asiant
Beth yw asiant ardrethu?
Gall asiantau ardrethu ddelio â'r VOA a'ch ardrethi busnes ar eich rhan.
Gallant drafod prisiad eich eiddo gyda ni, dweud wrthym os credwch fod gwerth ardrethol eich eiddo yn anghywir a’i herio os oes angen.
Gallant hefyd ddweud wrthym a oes angen newid manylion eich eiddo neu am y rhent a dalwch.
Mae asiantau trethu yn aml yn aelodau o gorff proffesiynol.
Ein safonau ar gyfer asiantau
Mae safonau asiantiaid y VOA yn nodi disgwyliadau clir o asiantau eu hymddygiad eu harfer proffesiynol, a'r gwasanaeth y maent yn ei ddarparu i'w cwsmeriaid.
Yn gyfnewid am hyn, byddwn yn delio ag asiantau yn gwrtais ac yn broffesiynol, yn unol â'n Siarter Cwsmeriaid.
Osgoi sgamiau ac asiantau twyllodrus
Mae mwyafrif helaeth yr asiantau ardrethu ag enw da ac yn darparu gwasanaeth da. Ond mae lleiafrif bach sydd ddim yn gweithredu'n ddidwyll.
Mae’r asiantau twyllodrus hyn fel arfer yn addo gostyngiadau mawr mewn ardrethi busnes – ond maent yn gwneud hyn drwy gyflwyno gwybodaeth anghywir. Gall hyn arwain at gosbau penodol neu biliau ardrethi uwch i chi.
Gallant hefyd godi ffioedd sylweddol am ddarparu cyflwyniadau o ansawdd gwael gan ddefnyddio ein gwasanaeth Gwirio a Herio ar-lein, sy’n wasanaeth rhad ac am ddim.
Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw eich ardrethi busnes. Os yw'ch asiant yn darparu gwybodaeth anghywir, efallai y bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu cosb benodol, neu dalu unrhyw ardrethi ychwanegol sy'n ddyledus gennych.
Rhestr wirio ar gyfer dewis asiant
- Cofiwch – does dim rhaid i chi ddefnyddio asiant i reoli eich ardrethi busnes.
- Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn dewis eich asiant eich hun – peidiwch â gadael i asiant eich dewis chi. Gwnewch eich ymchwil eich hun ac archwiliwch opsiynau gwahanol cyn ymrwymo i asiant.
- Gwiriwch gefndir asiant cyn i chi lofnodi cytundeb. Gall cwmni neu unigolyn gyfeirio ato’i hun fel ‘syrfëwr’, ‘cynghorydd ardrethu’, ‘ymgynghorydd ardrethu’ neu debyg. Nid yw hyn yn golygu eu bod yn aelod o gorff proffesiynol.
- Gall penodi asiant sy’n aelod o gorff proffesiynol roi sicrwydd ychwanegol gan y bydd yn ddarostyngedig i reolau a rheoliadau’r corff hwnnw. Mae'r Sefydliad Ardrethu a Phrisio Refeniw (IRRV), Sefydliad Brenhinol y Syrfewyr Siartredig (RICS) a Chymdeithas Syrfewyr Ardrethu (RSA) wedi cyhoeddi safonau ar y cyd y dylai eu haelodau eu dilyn.
- Cyn arwyddo cytundeb, gwiriwch yr hyd a'r telerau bob amser. Mae'n hysbys bod asiantau twyllodrus yn clymu perchnogion busnes â chytundebau costus, hirdymor.
- Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn darllen y print mân ac yn deall yn llawn y gwasanaethau yr ydych yn talu amdanynt. Ni ddylai asiantau cyfrifol roi pwysau arnoch i lofnodi cytundeb na mynnu symiau mawr o arian ymlaen llaw.
- Unwaith y byddwch wedi penodi asiant, sicrhewch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr hyn y mae'n eu gwneud. Ymgyfarwyddwch â'n gwasanaeth Gwirio a defnyddiwch eich cyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes i weld gohebiaeth rhwng y VOA a'ch asiant.
- Os bydd eich asiant ardrethu yn newid, er enghraifft mae'r cwmni y mae'n gweithio iddo yn uno ag un arall, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw diweddaru hyn ar eich cyfrif.
Dileu asiant
Dylai ein cyngor eich helpu i ddewis asiant ag enw da. Os ydych chi eisoes wedi cael profiad gwael gydag asiant, mae yna gamau y medrwch eu cymryd.
Os oedd yr asiant yn aelod o gorff proffesiynol – fel yr IRRV, RICS neu RSA – dylech gysylltu â’r corff hwnnw i wneud cwyn.
Os nad oedd yr asiant yn aelod o gorff proffesiynol, gallwch gysylltu â'r tîm safonau masnach yn eich cyngor lleol neu eich Cyngor ar Bopeth lleol.
Os ydych yn credu bod asiant wedi rhoi gwybodaeth ffug i ni yn fwriadol, yn ddiofal neu'n ddi-hid drwy eich cyfrif prisio ardrethi busnes, gallwch gael gwared ar asiant yn gyfan gwbl.
Mae hyn yn golygu na allant wneud unrhyw beth i chi mwyach. Gallwch ddewis rheoli eich ardrethi busnes eich hun, neu gallwch benodi asiant gwahanol. Gallwch benodi gwahanol asiantau ar gyfer gwahanol eiddo.
Cofiwch wirio'ch cytundeb cyn dileu asiant. Mae'n bosibl y bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu eu ffioedd o hyd ac am unrhyw wybodaeth y maent eisoes wedi'i rhoi i'r VOA.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am benodi asiant ar gael ar GOV.UK.
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