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How we work with local authorities - Council Tax

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) bands all homes in England and Wales for Council Tax.

Your local council uses your Council Tax band to determine how much Council Tax you pay.

In this blog, we look at role of the VOA and local councils in the administration of Council Tax.

Read our next blog for information about business rates.

Working out your Council Tax band

Council Tax bands are based on the open market value of a property – the price a home could have been sold for – at a fixed point in time.

This is known as the antecedent valuation date. In England, this date is 1 April 1991. In Wales, it’s 1 April 2003.

We consider 3 types of evidence when working out Council Tax bands:

  • sales evidence
  • banding evidence
  • settlement evidence

Learn more about how we value properties for Council Tax.

There are 8 Council Tax bands in England, running from Band A to Band H. There are 9 in Wales, running from Band A to Band I.

Which band your property sits in determines how much Council Tax you pay.

Your Council Tax bill

The rate of Council Tax you pay is set by your council.

Your bill will show which Council Tax band your property is in and the charge for this band. It will also show any additional charges collected by your council.

How we can help

The VOA can help with any questions about your Council Tax band.

Our online service lets you check your property’s Council Tax band and make a challenge if you think the band is wrong.

You should also contact us to report any changes that may affect your property’s banding. For example, if your property is now used for business or you have added or removed an annexe.

When to contact your local council

Your council deals with your Council Tax bill. Any questions about your bill, including payments, discounts, exemptions and rebates should be directed to them.

You should also let your council know about any new properties that need banding.

To find your local council, visit GOV.UK.

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

Mae Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio (VOA) yn bandio pob cartref yng Nghymru a Lloegr ar gyfer y Dreth Gyngor.

Mae eich cyngor lleol yn defnyddio eich band Treth Gyngor i benderfynu faint o Dreth Gyngor rydych yn ei dalu.

Yn y blog hwn, rydym yn edrych ar rôl y VOA a chynghorau lleol wrth weinyddu Treth Gyngor.

Darllenwch ein blog blaenorol i gael gwybodaeth am ardrethi busnes.

Cyfrifo eich band Treth Gyngor

Mae bandiau Treth Gyngor yn seiliedig ar werth eiddo ar y farchnad agored – y pris y gellid bod wedi gwerthu cartref amdano – ar bwynt penodol mewn amser.

Gelwir hyn yn ddyddiad prisio rhagflaenol. Yn Lloegr, y dyddiad hwn yw 1 Ebrill 1991. Yng Nghymru, 1 Ebrill 2003 yw’r dyddiad.

Rydym yn ystyried 3 math o dystiolaeth wrth gyfrifo bandiau Treth Gyngor:

  • tystiolaeth gwerthiant
  • tystiolaeth bandio
  • tystiolaeth setliad

Mae 8 band Treth Gyngor yn Lloegr, o Fand A i Fand H. Mae 9 yng Nghymru, o Fand A i Fand I.

Mae’r band y mae eich eiddo yn perthyn iddo yn pennu faint o Dreth Gyngor y byddwch yn ei dalu.

Eich bil Treth Gyngor

Mae cyfradd y Dreth Gyngor a dalwch yn cael ei phennu gan eich cyngor.

Bydd eich bil yn dangos ym mha fand Treth Gyngor y mae eich eiddo a’r tâl ar gyfer y band hwn. Bydd hefyd yn dangos unrhyw daliadau ychwanegol a gesglir gan eich cyngor.

Sut gallwn ni helpu

Gall y VOA helpu gydag unrhyw gwestiynau am eich band Treth Gyngor.

Mae ein gwasanaeth ar-lein yn gadael i chi wirio band Treth Gyngor eich eiddo a gwneud her os ydych yn meddwl bod y band yn anghywir.

Dylech hefyd gysylltu â ni i roi gwybod am unrhyw newidiadau a allai effeithio ar fand eich eiddo. Er enghraifft, os yw eich eiddo bellach yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer busnes neu os ydych wedi ychwanegu neu ddileu rhandy.

Pryd i gysylltu â’ch cyngor lleol 

Eich cyngor sy’n delio â’ch bil Treth Gyngor. Dylid cyfeirio unrhyw gwestiynau am eich bil, gan gynnwys taliadau, gostyngiadau, eithriadau ac ad-daliadau atynt.

Dylech hefyd roi gwybod i’ch cyngor am unrhyw eiddo newydd sydd angen bandio.

I ddod o hyd i’ch cyngor lleol, ewch i GOV.UK.

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  1. Comment by Yvonne Taylor posted on

    How can I be paying more council tax for a 1 bed flat as opposed to 3 bed semi in Barming .

    • Replies to Yvonne Taylor>

      Comment by Valuation Office Agency posted on

      Hi Yvonne. Size is just one factor we consider when we value properties. Location, age, layout and character also play a role in determining a property’s band.~

      If you think your band is wrong, visit GOV.UK for more information on how to challenge it.